3 Strategies to Differentiate Around New Expectations

What do smart watches, pedometers, heart-rate monitors, and other high-tech connected consumer wearables have to do with the future of medical devices?

You see them everywhere, sleek wrist straps connected to thin displays that offer a wealth of information, all automatically sent and stored to smart phone apps. I’m looking at one on my wrist right now (63 beats per minute, thank you very much). As ubiquitous as they have become in a very short time, we are still at the bottom left of this curve, just now moving past the stage of ‘early adopter’.

The flag has been raised, the bar set, and expectations are high – but the FDA is slow. How can you, alternate site providers and specialty pharmacies, begin to differentiate around new consumer expectations if new devices will be a long time coming?

3 Strategies to keep you ahead of the curve

  1. Fill in the gaps by adding tech around current devices – look to identify the low hanging fruit that can begin to meet patient expectations of technology and connectivity in systems or processes adjacent to the device.
  2. Work with manufacturers as they develop new generations of devices – nothing is more important than patient outcomes, but that doesn’t mean manufactures shouldn’t have your processes and needs on their requirements document.
  3. Work up and down the supply chain to connect the pieces – really good technology is completely invisible, things just happen when and how they should. By working with quality vendors, technology not only improves patient health and perception, but your operations and bottom line as well.

Right Way Medical knows that people, process, passion, and technology are the key drivers that allow us to achieve success, for ourselves as well as our clients.

Contact Right Way Medical today to discuss how we can be a part of your solution.
